by Jenn Heller

Did you know that approximately 6.5 million animals enter U.S. animal shelters annually?  As a passionate pet lover, that statistic truly breaks my heart.

Animal Care & Protective Services in Jacksonville, Florida

In addition to the animals in shelters, there are also thousands upon thousands of pets being fostered at any given time while awaiting their forever homes. Fostering plays a crucial role in the adoption process, with an estimated 3.2 million shelter animals finding new homes each year thanks to the dedication of foster families. 

In the Jacksonville area, there are several animal rescue organizations that I admire and support on a regular basis. One such organization is Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS) where we adopted our sweet boy Joker, formerly known…

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by Gwinn Volen

“‘Massive’ Housing Bubble About to Burst.” “The Housing Market Hit A Wall In May/June.” “Why Are Home Prices Still Rising?” “Home Prices Are Still Sky-High.”

Even the experts can’t figure it out. But the general consensus is that high interest rates are keeping supply low as existing homeowners are hesitant to swap a low-interest rate mortgage for a high interest rate mortgage. Despite high interest rates deterring some, many buyers still need to move for various personal reasons, which is sustaining current inventory prices.

Market Overview

As most of you savvy readers know, real estate is a “local” business. What is happening in the broader marketplace may not be happening in your local market.

So, here is what is…

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