Nailing the Back-to-School Sleep Routine: 8 Tips for Restful Success
Posted by Gwinn Volen on
by Jenn Heller
You've ticked off the school shopping list, snagged fresh supplies, and even sharpened the pencils. But have you thought about tuning up your child's sleep routine for the upcoming school year? Sleep is a key player in alertness, stress levels, and overall temperament, which all circle back to learning and social interactions. After a summer of carefree nights and leisurely mornings, your child's sleep schedule might need a little nudge before school starts. Here are some tips to help you out:

Start Early
Get a head start;10 days to two weeks before school begins is ideal. If time's tight, no worries, just kick it off as soon as you can. Gradually push wake-up and bedtime 15 minutes earlier each day to ease into the…
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