Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) is one of the largest school districts in Florida, serving a diverse student population across Jacksonville. Known for its commitment to academic excellence, DCPS offers a variety of programs to support student success, including advanced placement, dual enrollment, and International Baccalaureate options. The district also emphasizes career and technical education, providing pathways in high-demand fields with industry certifications and partnerships with local businesses.  Below are all the schools in the district starting with Elementary  Schools.

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Abesss Park Elementary School
12731 Abess Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 220-1260

Alimacani Elementary School
2051 San Pablo Road S., Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 221-7101

Anchor Academy
555 Wonderwood Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 247-5996

Andrew A Robinson Elementary School
101 W. 12th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6550

Annie R Morgan Elementary School
964 Saint Clair Street, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 381-3970

Arlington Elementary School
1201 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 381-3970

Arlington Heights Elementary School
1520 Sprinkle Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 745-4900

Atlantic Beach Elementary School
298 Sherry Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 247-5924

Bartram Springs Elementary
14799 Bartram Springs Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 260-5860

Bayview Elementarry School
3257 Lake Shore Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 381-3920

Beauclerc Elementary School
4555 Craven Road W, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 739-5226

Becoming Collegiate Academy
5258 Norwood Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 465-2799

Biltmore Elementary Schoool
12230 Biscayne Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 714-4650

Brookview Elementary School
10450 Theresa Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 565-2720

Cedar Hills Elementary School
6534 Ish Brant Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1050

Central Riverside Elementary School
2555 Gilmore Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 381-7495

Chaffee Trail Elementary
11400 Sam Caruso Way, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 381-7495

Chet's Creek Elementary School
13200 Chets Creek Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 992-6390

Chimney Lakes Elementary School
9353 Staples Mill Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32244
(904) 573-1100

Crown Point Elementary School
3800 crown Point Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 260-5808

Crystal Springs Elementary School
1200 Hammond Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32221
(904) 693-7645

Dinsmore Elementary School
7126 Civic Club Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32219
(904) 924-3126

Don Brewer Elementary School
3385 Hartsfield Road, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 745-4990

Englewood Elementary School
4359 Spring Park Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 739-5280

Enterprise Learning Academy
8085 Old Middleburg Road S, Jacksonville, FL 32222

ESE Pre Kindergarten Disabilities Center
4030 Boulevard Center Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 348-7866

Fishweir Elementary School
3977 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205
(904) 381-3910

Fort Caroline Elementary School
3925 Athore Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 745-4904

Garden City Elementary School
2814 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 924-3130

George Washington Carver Elementary
2854 W 45th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3122

Global Leadership Academy Arts
4660 Lusso Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32222
(904) 551-7104

Greenfield Elementary School
6343 Knights Lane N, Jackssonville, FL 32216
(904) 739-5249

Greenland Pines Elementary School
5050 Greenland Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 260-5450

Gregory Drive Elementary School
7800 Gregory Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1190

Hendricks Avenue Elementary School
3400 Hendrickss Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 346-5610

Hidden Oaks Elementary School
6127 Cedar Hills Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1020

Highlands Estates Academy
1000 Depaul  Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 696-8754

Hogan-Spring Glen Elementary School
6736 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 720-1640

Holiday Hill Elementary School
6900 Altama Road, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 720-1676

Hyde Grove Elementary School
2056 Lane Avenue S, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 693-7562

Hyde Park Elementary School
5300 Park Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205
(904) 381-3950

J Allen Axson Elementary School
4763 Sutton Park Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 993-3600

Jacksonville Beach Elementary School
315 10th Street South, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 247-5942

Jacksonville Classical Academy East
5900 Fort Caroline Road, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 302-9052

Jacksonville Heights Elementary School
7750 Tempest Street S, Jacksonville, FL 32244
(904) 573-1120

John Love Early Learning Center
1531 Winthrop Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6790

John Stockton Elementary School
4827 Carlisle Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 381-3955

Kernan Trail Elementary School
2281 Kernan Blvd South, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 220-1310

Kings Trail Elementary School
7401 Old Kings Road S, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 739-5254

Lake Lucina Elementary School
6527 Merrill Road, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 745-4916

Lone Star Elementary School
10400 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 565-2711

Long Branch Elementary School
3723 Franklin Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6620

Loretto Elementary School
3900 Loretto Road, Jacksonville, FL 32223
(904) 260-5800

Louis S. Sheffield Elementary School
1333 Lanier Road, Jacksonville, FL 32226
(904) 696-8758

Love Grove Elementary School
2446 University Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 720-1645

Mamie Agnes Jones Elementary School
700 Orange Avenue, Baldwin, FL 32234
(904) 266-1214

Mandarin Oaks Elementary School
10600 Hornets Nest Road, Jacsonville, FL 32257
(904) 260-5820

Mayport Elementary School
2753 Shangri La Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 247-5988

Merrill Road Elementary School
8239 Merrill Road, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 745-4919

Neptune Beach Elementary School
1515 Florida Blvd, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
(904) 247-5954

New Berlin Elementary School
3613 New Berlin Road, Jacksonville, FL 32226
(904) 714-4601

Normandy Village Elementary School
8257 Herlong Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 693-7548

North Shore Elementary
5701 Silver Plz, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 924-3081

Northwestern Legends Elementary
2100 W 45th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3100

Oceanway Elementary School
12555 Gillespie Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 696-8762

Ortega Elementary School
4010 Baltic Street, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 381-7460

Parkwood Heights Elementary School
1709 Landsdowne Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 720-1670

Pickett Elementary School
6305 Old Kings Road, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 693-7555

Pine Forest Elementary  School
3929 Grand Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 346-5600

Pinedale Elementary School
4228 Dignan Street, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 381-7490

R L Brown Gifted and Talented Academy
1535 Milnor Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6570

R V Daniels Elementary School
1951 W 15th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 630-6872

Ramona Boulevard Elementary School
5540 Ramona Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32205
(904) 693-7576

Reynolds Lane Elementary School
840 Reynolds Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(9040 381-3960

River City Science Elementary Academy
7450 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 855-8010

Rufus E Payne Elementary School
6725 Hema Road, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3020

Ruth N Upson Elementary School
1090 Dancy Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205
(904) 381-7485

Rutledge H Pearson Elementary School
4346 Roanoke Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 924-3077

S A Hull Elementary School
7528 Hull Street, Jacksonville, FL 32219
(904) 924-3136

Sabal Palm Elementary School
1201 Kernan Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 221-7169

Sadie T Tillis Elementary School
6084 Morse Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 573-1090

Sally B Mathis Elementary School
3501 Winton Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 924-3086

San Jose Elementary School
5805 St Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 739-5260

San Jose Primary School
4072 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 425-1723

San Mateo Elementary School
600 Baisden Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 696-8750

San Pablo Elementary School
801 18th Avenue North, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 247-5947

Seabreeze Elementary School
1400 Seabreeze Avenue, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 247-5900

Seacoast Charter Academy
9570 Regency Square Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 562-4780

Seaside Community Charter School
10850 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 619-3933

Smart Pope Livingston Elementary
1128 Barber Street, Jacksonivlle, FL 32209
(904) 630-6580

Southside Estates Elementary School
9775 Ivey Road, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 565-2706

Spring Park Elementary School
2250 Spring Park Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 346-5640

Susie E. Tolbert Elementary School
1925 W 13th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 630-6860

Thomas Jefferson Elementary
8233 Nevada Street, Jacksonville, FL 32220
(904) 693-7500

Timucuan Elementary School
5429 110th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 573-1130

Twin Lakes Academy Elementary School
8000 Point Meadows Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 538-0239

Ventia Elementary School
4300 Timuquana Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 381-3990

Waterleaf Elementary
450 Kernan Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 565-8000

West Riverside Elementary School
2801 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32205
(904) 381-3900

Whitehouse Elementary School
11160 General Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32205(
(904) 693-7542

Windy Hill Elementary School
3831 Forest Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 565-2700

Woodland Acres Elementary School
328 Bowlan Street N, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 720-1663



Bridgeprep Academy
6400 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 694-2660

Cornerstone Classical Academy
2360 St. Johns Bluff Road S, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 469-8171

Duval Charter at Baymeadows
7510 Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(9040 638-7947

Duval Charter Scholars Academy
100 Scholars Way, Jacksonville, FL 32116
(904) 724-1536

Duval Charter School at Coastal
12800 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32226
(904) 512-6757

Duval Charter School at Flagler Center
12755 Flagler Center Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 899-1010

Duval Charter School at Mandarin
5209 Shad Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 440-2901

Duval Charter School at Southside
8680 AC Skinner Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 423-5348

Duval Charter School at Westside
9238 103rd Street, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 421-0250

Duval  Virtual Instruction Academy
1701  Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 390-2037

Duval Virtual Instruction Program
7000 Powers Avenue, Jacksonville, FL  32217
(904) 390-2819

Florida Cyber Charter Academy
9143 Phillips Highway, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 247-3268

Global Leadership Academy Discovery
8985 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 551-7104

Global Leadership Academy Intercoastal
13720 McCormick Road, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 551-7104

Grasp Academy
3101 Justina Road, Jacksonville, FL 32277
(904) 745-4909

Hospital and Homebound
1128 Barber Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 348-5191

Jacksonville Classical Academy
2043 Forest Street, Jacksonville, Fl 32204
(904) 288-7732

John E. Ford K-8 School
1137 Cleveland Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 630-6540

Kipp Impact Academy
7000 103rd Street, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 720-4620

Kipp Jacksonville K-12
1440 McDuff Avenue N, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 683-6643

Kipp V.O.I.C.E. Academy
813 Golfair Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 895-7878

Mattie V Rutherford Alt Ed Center
1514 Hubbard Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6782

Mt Herman ESE Center
1741 Francis Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 630-6740

Oak Hill Academy
6910 Daughtry Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1030

River City Science  Acdemy at Mandarin
10911 Old St. Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 855-8010

River City Science Academy Innovation School
8160 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 855-8010

River City Science Academy Intracoastal
2002 San Pablo Road  S, Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 855-8010

River City Science Academy Southeast
12397 Philips Highway, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 855-8010

Seaside Charter K-8 School
2865 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 853-6287

Seaside Charter North Campus
1429 Broward Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 973-2743

The Bridge to Success Academy Middle School
5443 Moncrief Road, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3035

Westview K-8
5270 Connie Jean Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1082

Youth Development Center
3015 Parental Home Road, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 725-6662



Alfred I Dupont Middle School
2710 Dupont Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 739-5200

Arlington Middle School
8141 Lone  Star Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 720-1680

Chaffee Trail Middle School
11779 Sam Caruso Way, Jacksonville, FL 32221

Duncan U Fletcher Middle School
2000 3rd Street N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
(904) 247-5929

Fort Caroline Middle School
3787 University Club Blvd, Jacksonville, Fl 32277
(904) 745-4927

Highlands Middle School
10913  Pine Estates Road E, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 696-8771

James Weldon Johnsn College Prepatory Middle School
3276 Norman E Thagard Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 693-7600

Jean Ribault Middle School
3610 Ribault Scenic Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 924-3062

Joseph Stilwell Middle School
7840 Burma Road, Jacksonville, FL 32221
(904) 693-7523

Julia Landon College Preparatory & Leadship Dev School
1819 Thacker Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 346-5650

Kernan Middle  School
2271 Kernan Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32246
(904) 220-1350

Lake Shore Middle School
2519 Bayview Road, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 381-7440

Landmark Middle School
101 Kernan Blvd N, Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 221-7125

Lavilla School of the Arts
501 N Davis Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 633-6069

Mandarin Middle School
5100 Hood Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 292-0555

Matthew W Gilbert Middle School
1424 Franklin Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6700

Mayport Coastal Science Middle School
2600 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 247-5977

Oceanway School
143 Oceanway Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 714-4680

Southside Middle School
2948 Knights Lane East, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 739-5238

Twin Lakes Academy Middle School
8050 Point Meadows Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 538-0825

Westside Middle School
4815 Wesconnett Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 573-1000



A Philip Randolph Academies
1157 Golfair Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3011

Andrew Jackson High School
3816 N Main Street, Jacksonville, FL 32206
(904) 630-6950

Atlantic Coast High School
9735 R G Skinner Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 538-5120

Baldwin Middle-Senior High School
291 Mill Street W, Jacksonville, FL 32234
(904) 266-1200

Biscayne High School
1680 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 252-6311

Darnell Cookman Middle-High School
1701 N Davis Street, Jacksonville, FL  32209
(904) 630-6805

Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
2445 San Diego Road, Jacksonville, FL  32207
(904) 346-5620

Duncan U Fletcher High School
700 Seagate Avenue, Neptune Beach, FL 32266
(904) 247-5905

Duval Charter High School at Baymeadows
7510 Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256
(904) 638-7947

Edward H White High School
1700 Old Middleburg Road North, Jacksonville, FL 32210
(904) 693-7620

Englewood High School
4412 Barnes Road, Jacksonville, Fl  32207
(904) 739-5212

First Coast High School
590 Duval Station Road, Jacksonville, FL 32218
(904) 757-0080

Jean Ribault High School
3701 Winton Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32208
(904) 924-3092

Lone  Star High School
8050-1 Lone Star Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 725-5998

Mandarin High School
4831 Greenland Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258
(904) 260-3911

Marine Sciences Education
1347 Palmer Street, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233
(904) 247-5973

Paxon School/Advanced Studies
3239 Norman E Thagard Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32254
(904) 693-7583

River City Science Academy
7565 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 855-8010

Riverside High School
1200 S McDuff Avenue, Jacksonville, FL  32205
(904) 381-3930

Samuel W Wolfson High School
7000 Powers Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 739-5265

San Jose Prep
4072 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, FL 32257
(904) 425-1725

Sandalwood High School
2750 John Prom Blvd, Jacksonville, Fl 32246
(904) 646-5100

Stanton College Preparatory
1149 W 13th Street, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 630-6760

Terry Park High School
7301 Parker School Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 720-1650

Westside High School
5530 Firestone Road, Jacksonville, FL 32244
(904) 573-1170

William M Raines High School
3663 Raines Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32209
(904) 924-3049